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YOUR Logo and other design’s now available in synthetic grass
New technology allows us to tuft your design directly into the grass. The individual elements of the design do not need to be cut in or painted on, as has been the case in the past. So there are no joins or seams to cause problems later.
Child Care Centres embrace Enduroturf
Every once in awhile an architect will throw a curve ball at us. Artificial turf has numerous advantages for childcare : It’s safe, durable, colourful, clean, long lasting and never needs mowing!
Artificial grass: Faking it takes off, even in Mosman
Demand for artificial turf is high among families who have kids, dogs, trampolines or other things that make it difficult for grass to flourish
Creativity in Artificial Grass Installation
The basic commitment we expect of our installation guys (and girl!) is to turn up on time and work till the job is done – that’s what we pay them for and they’re brilliant at what they do.
For anyone thinking that working with Synthetic Turf on a daily basis could be a little…err boring or straightforward, let’s take a look at some of the more unusual applications for fake grass.
When you work installing artificial grass, bizarre things somehow begin to seem normal; could be the heat of the sun, perhaps the blood rush as we lean over often or just something as simple as a little mercury in the water table.
Time is money, and hours and dollars spent watering playing fields should be a thing of the past – no school, sports club or authority can afford to or should waste precious resources maintaining grass.
Fake grass that doesn’t look fake
Some people call it fake grass; others refer to it as synthetic or artificial turf. It doesn’t matter what you call it. What matters is that you choose a quality product that looks and feels realistic and an installer who is experienced at providing a seamless finish that is made to last.
Enduroturf pitches in to help rebuild flooded daycare centre
The floods that decimated parts of Brisbane this January have had devastating effects on the people of Brisbane. Enduroturf Synthetic Grass has its head office based in Brisbane; however we were fortunate not to have been significantly impacted by any water damage.